Test Results
Testing & Certification, Copley
25th of May, 2021

New Consumer Unit
Quite often when i'm asked for Electrical Certification, it's for an electrical installation that has a very old consumer unit.
That can mean it's one that doesn't have earth protection (RCD's) on all circuits as is required by the 18th Edition of the Electrical Regulations BS7671. While the testing and certification can still be done, it would mean having to write up lack of RCD testing as an agreed limitation and also write the recommendation that the consumer unit be updated to an 18th edition one.
If this is not carried out, not only does the installation not meet the current (no pun intended) safety standards, but should there be a serious electrical failure later on, any insurer could very well use the circuits not being RCD protected as reason to not pay out.
The simplest and safest course is to just update the consumer unit as replacing a consumer unit always comes with a complete test and certification anyway.