WiFi PCI Card
Electrician's Log - Saville Park, Halifax
19th May, 2015

It's always good to get to do something a bit different. An elderly couple i'd done work for last year had recently moved and asked me to wire them a new phone socket upstairs to so they could hook up their computer to the internet. After looking at the job I advised them that as their new broadband router is WiFi, it'd be cheaper, less mess and disruption to upgrade their old PC tower with a PCI card to make it WiFi capable. It would also mean they can move it again anywhere in the house at any time without calling me back to wire a new phone socket. Obviously being an electrician does not make me qualified in IT, but i am a bit of a nerd and had done the same thing for my old computer a few years ago so i know it's quite a straight forward procedure. So, job done in half the time, i got to do something different, saved the customers money and mess and that's made for two happy silver surfers.